Planning Your Creative Year with Carol Howarth & Marion Cockin
Myths & Legends with David Bingham
Sketches, scripts & dialogue with Naomi Paul
Only the Skies - the new Bilston Writers anthology
Parks & Gardens with Ros Woolner
Poetry form & Juxtaposition with Emma Purshouse
PoArtry with Rick Sanders
The Twilight Zone with Karen Miller
Nature as Metaphor with Cherry Doyle
Flash fiction & short stories with Carol Howarth and Karen Miller
The seasons (in reverse) with Cherry Doyle
Wolverhampton Literature Festival here we come
Old year, new year
"Still Life" with Marion Cockin
Editing with Emma Purshouse
Writing articles with Keith Rogers
Haibun with David Bingham
Story structure with Karen Miller
Picture Books with Ros Woolner
Surrealism by Zoom led by Marion Cockin