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Only the Skies - the new Bilston Writers anthology


September saw the publication of our new anthology and a launch at the Light House in Wolverhampton as part of 'City Voices', a monthly spoken word event organised by Offa's Press.

Only the Skies is our fifth anthology. What happens when you ask a car salesman for directions? Or when an English teacher gets lost in the fog? Or when a Roman legionary with no culinary skills is put on cooking duty? And where else can you read about the ambitions of suburban frogs, a wartime wedding and the perils of online dating?

I love this anthology. It's a perfect combination of poetry and prose, engaging and thought provoking in equal parts, with a dash of humour thrown in for good measure. It's also a great example of what can be achieved when a group of friends meet, chat, share and write. I am looking forward to the next one already!
Rick Sanders aka Willis the Poet

Copies are available for £5 + postage. Please send us an email.


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