by Carol Howarth
This was an opportunity to write flash fiction or a short story of 250-500 words. In most competitions, flash fiction is a maximum of 250 words or 300 words. A short story is a maximum of 2,200 words in most competitions.
The elements of a flash fiction/short story
It is Brief.
There is a Main character and a maximum of Two additional minor characters.
Setting/Location. Use striking imagery, the senses – sight, sound, smell, taste, touch – to imply location or setting.
Point of view and Tense. Whose story is it? First or Third Person. Stick to same tense.
Beginning. Start in Media res, the hotting up point. Stick to one moment.
Conflict/Tension/problem. The short story is not an anecdote. It usually focuses on a single protagonist with a single strong objective and a single strong obstacle to achieving that objective. This obstacle is often another character (an antagonist) or a situation. This is the essence of conflict. Conflict gives a story drama, tension and pushes the narrative forward. Conflict includes inner conflict, the conflict of guilt, shame, fear, etc. Focus on one central conflict. Express this conflict in a single sentence.
Motivation/Emotion. What is the Main Character's motivation. What emotions do you want to explore? i.e. love, revenge, loss, happiness, etc.
Resonance – Does the Main character come to an understanding of a Universal Truth?
Implication – Could the story progress beyond the page?
One discussed example was the winner of Mslexia's Flash Fiction Competition 2021, After the Armourers, by Marissa Hoffmann., found in the Mslexia anthology of the shortlisted 12 Flash Fiction and 12 Short Stories, Best Women's Short Fiction 2021 – e book.
Several prompts were given, from Mslexia magazine past issues.
Editing Tips condensed from The Word-Loss Diet were later given. No unnecessary words, backstory or fillers.
There was a read around of writing with comments from Karen and Carol.
All the books advise writers to read, read, read AND to write ,write, write.
Rayne Hall. The Word-Loss Diet
Kaye Linden. 35 tips for writing a Brilliant Flash Story
Mslexia. Short Stories (e book) (Mini Guide)
Mslexia. Best Women's Short Fiction 2021 (e book)