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Performing monologues

Anne Babbs

This Saturday saw a continuation of the subject of monologues that we began last month and was again run by Emma Purshouse.

Everyone who had attended last month had come with an already prepared monologue and Emma talked to us about what we may do with those monologues. Apparently, Roger’s answer of ‘file it’ was not acceptable.

We talked as a group about how we saw our monologues being performed. Some, like Margaret, Ros and Karen, saw their pieces as suitable for a radio play. Emma suggested that a local radio such as Brum Radio may be the best to approach about the possible production and air play of the monologues. Jill also mentioned the BBC writers room which also asks for submissions. Emma pointed out that whilst it is an option, if you did decide to submit, you would be up against established writers for limited slots.

Another place a person could aim their monologue was into monologue competitions. Online there are details of a monologue slam that takes place in various cities throughout the year, for those brave enough to try it. Roger considered the monologue competition as a possible route for his work. Jill and Carol saw their work as possibly being part of a wider story.

After our discussion we split into pairs and each read to the other the monologue they had prepared to read to the group. This was a useful exercise as quite often another pair of ears can pick up things that don’t quite work in a piece.

After Emma gave us quick lessons on how to most effectively use the mic, we began to share our monologues and what an eclectic lot they were. From Karen’s Christmas bauble (who knows what’s up a fairy’s skirt ), Paul’s ancient goddess, Marion’s thieving shop assistant, through to Margaret’s Sorbus Acupuria (that’s Mountain Ash to you). Everyone produced really interesting monologues and all were met with appreciative applause.

After each monologue Emma gave us pointers as to how and where we could perform our work.

There is an open mic event at the Arena, this Tuesday 18.12.18 beginning at 7 o’clock.

Other open mics are run at the Café Grande, Dudley, on the last Thursday of the month. Slots are limited to 3 minutes and are primarily aimed at poetry.

Poets, Prattlers and Pandemonialists also hold an open mic night on the 1st Sunday of the month at the Pretty Bricks, Walsall. This is a ‘pay as you feel’ event and alongside open mic there are two acts that have been invited to share their work in longer slots.

If you do decide to write more monologues and wish to perform them to the group, this may be an option in the future. Marion has access to the mic and is happy to bring it to one of the monthly meetings if enough people are interested. There was also discussion of recording our monologues and putting them on YouTube. Again, if you are interested in this, then bring it up in future meetings.

I found the whole idea of monologues really interesting as I had never experimented with this form at all. It’s amazing how freeing it is to become another character and to say what is true to them, that you wouldn’t write as yourself.


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